that would make it possible to write in an elegant floral garment on the walls of your home. As illustration of that idea we’ve made this image back then in 2005.
The font is Warnock Pro Regular. The floral filling of the characters was fitted in elaborate manual work.
The small g has become one of the most beautiful chars.
The subliminal message is read prettiest in defoliated state: »argwohn«. That’s German for “suspicion”.
In the finished artwork the type steps back but is denser overgrown than the it surrounding similar pattern. So the wallpaper is less obtrusive—in turn more homelike. The original design is 5,58 meter to 2,56 meter in size.
The Typete was exhibited in the course of Aldi Huxley, schöne neue Warenwelt (brave new product-world) at the Design Mai Youngsters 2005 and at the Rundgang 2005 of the Bauhaus-Universiy Weimar.
It originated 2005 in the projekt »Schnellmodus International«. It was supervised by Alexander Branczyk and designed by Tanja Sannwald, Johanna Schiegnitz, Daniel Graf and Lasse Fister.
The Typete attended the 2005 competition “New Walls, Please!” and appeared commendatory alluded in the catalog of the competition.